There is only One Presence and One Power active in the universe and in my life: God, the Good.

There are several implications that flow naturally from the principle that: there is only one force active in the universe and that force is God. The first implication is that Unity doesn’t believe in a devil. What many denominations call a devil is nothing more than people consciously choosing to make very poor decisions about what their thoughts and actions will be. The second implication is that we don’t believe in a Hell as a physical location. We do think that there is a Hell but that it is actually a state of mind that we create. In that sense, Hell exists here on earth in our thoughts if we choose to think that type of thought and live our lives that way.
We believe that the force of God is a substance that underlies everything. The power of God is behind every idea. The power we call God is not actually in the expression of every idea because sometimes people choose to behave in some very poor ways. But at the same time, people often choose to show up in some very wonderful, spiritual, loving ways.
By the way, it makes sense that there is only One Presence and One Power active in the universe. If in the beginning there was only God, and God is Perfect Love and Perfect Goodness, then the force that runs through the universe has to be Perfect Love and Perfect Goodness. Where would evil or the devil come from? Our job as a human being is to re-discover our relationship to this Perfect Love and Perfect Goodness.

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