"A New Perspective"

 GUEST SPEAKER: Rev. Eileen Brownell

October 20, 2024


As we approach a national election, rumors, gossip and lies are flying.  The choices have divided families and friendships have been broken. How can we move through these challenges still centered in the Divine?


Special thanks to Becky Haskitt for all her help with the costs of the equipment & setup.



"Looking, Looking Breathlessly"


October 13, 2024


Special thanks to Becky Haskitt for all her help with the costs of the equipment & setup.



"Wisdom Is Avoiding Thoughts That Weaken You"

 GUEST SPEAKER: Rosie Potestio

October 6, 2024

Dr. Wayne Dyer's 10th Principle.


Special thanks to Becky Haskitt for all her help with the costs of the equipment & setup.



"Playing In The Band"

 GUEST SPEAKER: Charlie Barnes

September 29, 2024


Working together for Unity energy.

Special thanks to Becky Haskitt for all her help with the costs of the equipment & setup.



"The Cracks Within"

 GUEST SPEAKER: Rev. Eileen Brownell

September 22, 2024


Exploring our vulnerability and how it affects our spirituality.

Special thanks to Becky Haskitt for all her help with the costs of the equipment & setup.



"Patient Heal Thyself"


September 15, 2024


Rosie told us about a boy who beat his cancer by visualizing its destruction.
Can we really do that? Cure ourselves with our minds?

Special thanks to Becky Haskitt for all her help with the costs of the equipment & setup.



"Treasure Your Divinity"

 GUEST SPEAKER: Rosie Potestio

September 8, 2024


We are all connected to Source, to The Divine, as we are all connected to one another, and can never be separated.


How do we treasure our Divinity?

Special thanks to Becky Haskitt for all her help with the costs of the equipment & setup.



"Outer Work, Inner Work, Inner Work"

 GUEST SPEAKER: Dr. Will Tuttle

September 1, 2024


Our spiritual path calls us to turn our attention within, so that we can do our best to clarify our mind, harmonize our emotions, and cultivate our intuition. At the same time, it calls us to contribute to the well-being of our families, communities, and society. Dr. Tuttle explores how our inner work and outer work support each other, and how they are supported by the secret work.

Special thanks to Becky Haskitt for all her help with the costs of the equipment & setup.



"Finding A Home"


August 25, 2024


A personal experience of finding Unity.

Special thanks to Becky Haskitt for all her help with the costs of the equipment & setup.



"St. Francis of Assisi"

 GUEST SPEAKER: Rosie Potestio

August 18, 2024


The famous Prayer of St. Francis which begins,


"Lord, make me an instrument of your peace;

where there is hatred, let me sow love;

where there is injury pardon,"


is as important today as it was when it was written over 800 years ago.


This is only one reason why St. Francis is still important to our spiritual journey today.

Special thanks to Becky Haskitt for all her help with the costs of the equipment & setup.



"Body Prayers"

 GUEST SPEAKER: Carolyn Adams

August 11, 2024


How to take Prayers of the Cosmos, from Neal Douglas-Klotz's book, Into our Bodies for Divine Healing and Comfort.

Special thanks to Becky Haskitt for all her help with the costs of the equipment & setup.



"Three Men and a Fence"

 GUEST SPEAKER: Rev. Eileen Brownell

August 4, 2024

The Four Pivots is an exceptional book that helps us change our perspective of any situation. It is time in this political year to begin to understand that our version of any situation is not always right for everyone else.

Special thanks to Becky Haskitt for all her help with the costs of the equipment & setup. 



"Imagining God"


July 28, 2024

Imagining and being in contact with a loving god.

Special thanks to Becky Haskitt for all her help with the costs of the equipment & setup. 



"Treat Yourself As If You Were Already What You Want To Become"

 GUEST SPEAKER: Rosie Potestio

July 21, 2024

This is the 8th principle as set forth by Dr. Wayne Dyer, Top Ten Principles for Manifesting With Your Mind"Treat yourself as if you were already what you want to become, or act your way into reality."
Is this Faith in action?

Special thanks to Becky Haskitt for all her help with the costs of the equipment & setup. 



"Journey To Freedom"

 GUEST SPEAKER: Rev. Eileen Brownell

June 7, 2024

Rainer Rilke once said, "The only journey is the one within." How do we discover freedom on our spiritual journeys?

Special thanks to Becky Haskitt for all her help with the costs of the equipment & setup.



"Finding The Sacred In The Ordinary"

 GUEST SPEAKER: Rev. Eileen Brownell

June 30, 2024

What is Oneness?  Where do we find it? Love and intimacy bring us to that place of Oneness with the Divine if we are willing to surrender.

Special thanks to Becky Haskitt for all her help with the costs of the equipment & setup.



"What Are You Waiting For?"

 GUEST SPEAKER: Rev. Joe Sloane

June 23, 2024

"What you are waiting for?" usually defines who you are now.  Are you waiting for something you already have?

Special thanks to Becky Haskitt for all her help with the costs of the equipment & setup.



"You Can't Solve A Problem With The Same Mind That Created It"

 GUEST SPEAKER: Rosie Potestio

June 16, 2024

This is the 7th principle as set forth by Dr. Wayne Dyer of his "Top 10 Principles for Manifesting with your Mind". Here, Dr. Dyer quotes Dr. Albert Einstein, who said that the solutions to our problems cannot be found by using the same approach that caused the problem in the first place. We are challenged to be open-minded, creative, and think outside of the box to create new solutions and ideas.

Special thanks to Becky Haskitt for all her help with the costs of the equipment & setup.



"The Samaritan"


June 9, 2024

Disliked, lowlife, outsider, "immoral", "dirty". Maybe not who we would think Jesus would choose as his hero. But, this is Jesus.

Special thanks to Becky Haskitt for all her help with the costs of the equipment & setup.



"Rolling In The Deep"


June 2, 2024

Thoughts on Consciousness.

Special thanks to Becky Haskitt for all her help with the costs of the equipment & setup.



"Awakening Your Inner Genius"

 GUEST SPEAKER: Dr. Will Tuttle

May 26, 2024

As we discover and live our unique life, we connect with the bubbling spring of joy within. Dr. Tuttle shares timeless wisdom teachings that help us reconnect with our inner guidance system for the benefit of all.

Special thanks to Becky Haskitt for all her help with the costs of the equipment & setup.



"Nothing Stands Alone"

 GUEST SPEAKER: Rev. Eileen Brownell

May 5, 2024

We are all inter-dependent with each other, nature and so much more. Each of us can be a light of unity and love in our corner of the world through our thoughts and actions regardless of the situation.

Special thanks to Becky Haskitt for all her help with the costs of the equipment & setup.



"Who Are We Becoming?"

 GUEST SPEAKER: Rev. Eileen Brownell

April 28, 2024

Dr. Shawn Ginwright, in The Four Pivotsshares how "healing is the capacity to restore our humanity and care for ourselves and others even in the midst of our fear."  We will look at the elements of the belonging part of the four pivots. 

Special thanks to Becky Haskitt for all her help with the costs of the equipment & setup.



"Give Up Your Personal History"

 GUEST SPEAKER: Rosie Potestio

April 21, 2024

This is the 7th principle as set forth by Dr. Wayne Dyer of his "Top 10 Principles for Manifesting with your Mind". Here, Dr. Dyer quotes Dr. Albert Einstein, who said that the solutions to our problems cannot be found by using the same approach that caused the problem in the first place. We are challenged to be open-minded, creative, and think outside of the box to create new solutions and ideas.

Special thanks to Becky Haskitt for all her help with the costs of the equipment & setup.



"Imagining Eternity"


April 7, 2024

An examination of the concept of continuity.

Special thanks to Becky Haskitt for all her help with the costs of the equipment & setup.



"Celebrating the Transformation of Easter"

 GUEST SPEAKER: Rosie Potestio

March 31, 2024

The Easter story is a beautiful metaphor for the losses in our lives that lead to unexpected renewal.

Special thanks to Becky Haskitt for all her help with the costs of the equipment & setup.



"The Women of Easter"

 GUEST SPEAKER: Rev. Eileen Brownell

March 24, 2024

Follow the journey of the seven women who stayed by the cross during the six hours of challenge as Jesus died.

Special thanks to Becky Haskitt for all her help with the costs of the equipment & setup.



"Redefining Moments In Your Life"

 GUEST SPEAKER: Rev. Connie Couser

March 17, 2024

As you go deeper into yourself, you will naturally realize that there is an aspect of your being that is always there and never changes.

Special thanks to Becky Haskitt for all her help with the costs of the equipment & setup.



"That Saved A Wretch Like Me"


March 10, 2024

Easter means that redemption is there for all of us.
Even the most wretched.

Special thanks to Becky Haskitt for all her help with the costs of the equipment & setup.



"Sticking To Our Story"


February 24, 2024

A talk about the benefit and process of letting go.


Special thanks to Becky Haskitt for all her help with the costs of the equipment & setup.



"Why Lent Is Important"

 GUEST SPEAKER: Rosie Potestio

February 18, 2024

Lent is a season of preparation for Easter Sunday which falls on March 31 this year. Lent is a time of renewal, reflection and release, a time to look within in order to celebrate the resurrection of Christ Jesus.  It is a time to let go of those things which no longer nourish our life and embrace the renewal of ideas that sustain us on our spiritual path.


Special thanks to Becky Haskitt for all her help with the costs of the equipment & setup.



"He Didn't Have To Be"


February 11, 2024

In this month of Celebration of Love, let us notice the love of a man who did not have to give it. Who chose, with his heart, to be a father he didn't have to be. Joseph of Nazareth.


Special thanks to Becky Haskitt for all her help with the costs of the equipment & setup.



"Human Kindness"

 GUEST SPEAKER: Rev. Eileen Brownell

February 4, 2024

We all need a little kindness right now!!! Which would you prefer: a kind or a nice person? Kind acts has a ripple effect like a pebble in a pond. The more we share the farther and the greater the effect on others.


Special thanks to Becky Haskitt for all her help with the costs of the equipment & setup.



"How To View The Future"

 GUEST SPEAKER: Rev. Connie Couser

January 28, 2024

Where we are and how we want to be prepared for the year 2024.


Special thanks to Becky Haskitt for all her help with the costs of the equipment & setup.



"Embrace Silence"

 GUEST SPEAKER: Rosie Potestio

January 21, 2024

The fifth in the series by Dr. Wayne Dyer, Top 10 Principles for Manifesting with your Mind"Embrace Silence." Embracing silence is a pathway to our source, where we connect with Spirit and where healing can take place.  Silence helps bring us back to a place of rest and clarity within, away from the noise of the world.


Special thanks to Becky Haskitt for all her help with the costs of the equipment & setup.



"Mary, Did You Know?"

 GUEST SPEAKER: Rev. Eileen Brownell

December 17, 2023 

Based on the popular carol "Mary Did You Know?", we'll explore Luke's Christmas story and what Mary knew when she agreed to carry the Christ Child.


Special thanks to Becky Haskitt for all her help with the costs of the equipment & setup.