Prayer Chaplains

Finding peace of mind provides a foundation of strength
to face any situation.
~  Silent Unity  ~
Dear Unity of Oroville community:

Prayer is at the heart of Unity, internationally, nationally, and right here in our small community.  The Unity of Oroville prayer chaplains are available to pray with you, whatever your prayer need.

You can submit a prayer request via the "Prayer Box" form at the bottom of this page to any of our prayer chaplains listed below. Prayer Chaplains will get back to you with prayers and support.

• Rosie Potestio
• Kyra Evans

• Khadija Rose
• Carolyn Adams

Your request is a sacred trust and is kept confidential.

You can also submit a prayer request directly to Silent Unity at:

We would like to introduce you to your our prayer chaplains here at Unity. They are available to pray with you after church services for 15 minutes in a private, sacred setting. If you need longer than 15 minutes then that can be arranged as well as home and hospital visits and phone calls.


We are developing other services to serve the congregation and will have a schedule and description of that in the the following months.


The prayer chaplain serving you Sundays will be announced at the beginning of each service so you will know who is available for you that Sunday, and you can approach them.


We are honored to be able to serve this congregation and leaders in their spiritual needs. Thank you for allowing us to do so and please call if you have any questions.


May The Divine Light Shine Within Your Soul and Bless Your Life.

In Grace and Love.


• Kyra Evans, PC  






October 6: Carolyn Adams

October 13: Shyla Cook

October 20: Khadija Rose

October 27: Rosie Potestio

Prayer Box

The Unity of Oroville prayer team is a dedicated, loving group that prays for the names and circumstances in our prayer box for one week.  The prayers are then forwarded to Silent Unity where they are held in prayer 24 hours a day for another 30 days.  All is held in strict confidence and the healing power of prayer benefits everyone.  Place your prayer requests in our prayer box at Unity of Oroville or fill out this form.


If you wish to join the prayer team, contact Shyla Cook.

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.