The Law of Mind Action is: Thoughts held in mind produce after their kind.

We create our experiences by our thoughts.  Want different results in life?  Change your thoughts.

Unity is a faith that puts a great deal of emphasis on self-responsibility. We believe that we choose how we will react to what life brings our way.  Nobody and no situation can make us feel or think a certain way, regardless of the circumstances.  We create our experiences by our reactions and thoughts and feelings. Life just is.  We choose to make it good or bad by what we do with it.  It is belief that choosing to see the positive is a better way to live.  One reason is that we begin attracting other people who work hard to see the positive, too. We start surrounding ourselves with more positive people because they want to be around us, too. That, in turn, starts creating relationships and situations that tend to turn out more positively, too.

At the same time, life still keeps happening.  Marriages and divorces occur. Friends move away and new friends move into our lives.  Family members make their transitions, but family members also have new babies and bring new life our way.  And at every turn, the law of mind action still prevails:  thoughts held in mind produce after their kind.  Want different results in life?  Choose better thoughts. At every point in your life, we are presented with one simple, straightforward option:  Choose again.


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